Monday, May 14, 2012

I fall...I get back up again!

Ok friends, it's been awhile since I have blogged...and I'm sad and ashamed to say that I have not followed my diet and exercise plan steadily since St. Patrick's Day. I am having a tough time figuring out how to fit my exercise plan into my new schedule because I have since added 3 new daycare who is younger than my youngest which makes it double hard to find the time and opportunity. It's not a good excuse I know and I needed to make my diet and exercise a priority and made sure it got done anyways, but I didn't, so here I am having to start again. Luckily and by some sort of miracle I only gained 12 pounds back! I'm not happy about that but considering that it's been almost 2 months it's not bad at all and could have been much worse and I think I can lose that in a month. Another stroke of luck has hit also because the weather is beautiful and I happen to have found a double stroller at a yard sale for nice and cheap.

I am still fitting in my new jeans and I am still proud of myself for how far I have come, but I didn't stick to it and that is not anything to be proud of. And my dear blog friends I started this blog so that I could have people holding me accountable during my weight loss journey...nobody even chewed me out when I quit blogging! That's what I want from you guys so next time chew my ass so that I have other people riding me to keep going. :) Here we go again friends, moving forward because even though I screwed up, doesn't mean I can't try again and succeed, it doesn't mean all the hope is lost. I'm still a lot smaller than I was 3 years ago...I'm still smaller than I was in January this year, and I still have my shot to make this happen. I'm a work in progress..still growing and changing, still messing up, forgiving myself and moving on. The thing I have going for me is that I still haven't given up, I still haven't decided it's not worth it, I still haven't decided it's not worth it, because I know it is. I don't give up easy and I'm going to keep start this journey again after the small "intermission" and see where it takes us! It's not going to be fast or easy...but I am going to succeed someday!

“Don’t dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.” ~Denis Waitley