Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hurting each other

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can somehow become great. 
Mark Twain

Today I was thinking about the negative people that come in and out of my life, and the way those things and people have affected me. Giving other people power over your emotions is never a good idea, and I know that truly nobody can hurt you unless you let them...but let's face it....loving someone and caring about them opens you up for that pain.

Even though none of us like to admit it there are people in our lives that will hurt fact most people in our lives that we love and spend a lot of time with will hurt us at one point or another. It's human nature (sadly) to hurt those around us every now and again. Most of us try not to hurt the people around us that we love, and when it happens it was accidental. We say something before thinking about it, or we take things the wrong way...there are a ton of reasons...sometimes we are just plain being inconsiderate, or we forget how important it is to be compassionate towards other people, especially those who are important to us.

These aren't the kind of people and relationships I'm talking about here tonight. I'm talking about the people that intentionally hurt others. Purposely saying things and doing things with no other agenda other than to hurt people, bring them down, make them doubt themselves, and to lower your self esteem. These people say things for no other reason than to make you feel like less than what you are. To make you think you can't accomplish the things that you want to, to make you think that your dreams are not within your reach.

Photobucket I don't want to even try to figure out all the reasons why one person might want to hurt another, but all I want to say tonight is that when you come across people like this, you will know, and it is best to put a distance between you and those people. For me, many of those kind of people are simply no longer a part of my life at all, some I am not willing to completely let go of, but I have to keep some distance so that I can't be dragged down. More often than not, those people are hurting me because they don't want me to succeed. They are afraid of who I will become with that confidence that comes with reaching a goal...working hard to get there and accomplishing something that is important to you gives you self empowerment like you have never known before, that kind of thing scares some people. Those are the people you have to worry about. Those are the people who don't want to celebrate with you, and support you. Or worse they pretend to celebrate with you and secretly plan on hurting you, secretly hoping to break your spirit.

It's a dangerous game sometimes, letting people into your life.

Lucky for me, and I'm sure for all of you there are positive amazing people in my life to balance out the rest, and that's what we have to keep looking too!

Don't let people get you down, trust me I know it can be very hard, but you have to believe in yourself enough to know better!


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