Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Busy, busy. Still working though!!!

Ok my friends, I am so sorry I haven't blogged since I moved! Life has been so busy that I haven't really taken the time to sit down and blog. Tonight is gonna be quick, just an update and a few thoughts :)

We did get moved into our new home which pretty much completely consumed almost 2 weeks of my life! While I didn't completely follow my diet and exercise throughout that time, I didn't go completely down the toilet either. However I got my treadmill in this week and have followed my diet and exercise plan perfectly...even though I am also working on quitting smoking right now also!! I am really proud of myself because I never thought I could do both things at once and so far I'm doing great. I have gone from a pack a day habit to 5 cigarettes a day and hope to cut it down to 4 or less in the next couple days, without any help from meds or electronic cigarettes or patches or anything, haven't eaten my feelings at all, instead I'm taking out my cravings and such on the treadmill which is great! I'm trying hard to be mindful of the people around me when I feel cranky, and chewing a lot of gum :) I have gotten overwhelming support from my wonderful friends and family and I am so very thankful for that! Already I have noticed when I'm jogging on the treadmill I don't lose my breathe as quick and I can push myself longer which has been awesome too! The bottom line is that I'm in determination mode right now, and I may as well try and kick this nasty habits butt at the same time. Being healthy isn't just about what you would be great to be 100 pounds lighter, but what good is it if I'm blackening my lungs while I'm at it!?!? I'm heading into god knows what trying to completely make over my lifestyle into a healthy one. I know without a doubt that its going to get a hell of a lot harder before it gets easier, but knowing and understanding and being prepared for that is half the battle, and it's a battle I'm already fighting, I'm already on my way to winning! Sometimes taking the first step is all you need to get you there!!! I'm a pretty simple girl when it comes right down to it, and this entire thing simplifies life a little more in all the right ways :) So weigh in is the day after tomorrow. I know better at this point looking back on my month to expect to see anything too significant, but I'm looking forward, not back!! I will be signing up for the same weight loss competition that I did last year where I did win top female loser, I also have a fun spring break planned with my family that I will be able to incorporate into my journey, and maybe most exciting of hubby and I are renewing our wedding vows this summer after 10 years of marriage. Lots of planning and weight loss involved in that as I will be on a quest to find a beautiful dress to fit my changing body! :) to those of you who let me know you missed my blog I thank you so much, knowing I have you helps keep me going! One day this is going to happen for me, and I will have you to thank for pushing me, supporting me, and believing in me! It's about to get serious, time for full speed!!


  1. Good job honey!! I can not put into words how proud I am of you and all your hard work!!! Of course I am behind you 150%!!!

  2. Yay! So happy to see you writing again. Love to read your blogs and feel so inspired! Proud of you! You are going to look and feel great for your vow renewal ceremony. Good job on all of it and keep up the good work!
